Trinidad Cuba / キューバ トリニダー
The Los Inhenios Valley was the center of sugar production from the late 18th century to the end of the 19th century. At its height, as many as 30,000 black slaves were forced to work in the factories and surrounding sugar cane plantations. Today, it is on the World Heritage List along with the neighboring town of Trinidad. The photo shows the cab of the diesel locomotive of the tourist train from Trinidad to Los Inhenios Valley. The driver was very friendly and posed for a picture.
ハバナ の旧市街で見かけたボクシングジム。孫娘を遊ばせている元ボクサーのおじいちゃんにカメラを向けると、ポーズをとってくれた。ジムの中では、ボクシングだけでなく小学生向けの柔道教室も開かれていた。。